Monday, February 16, 2015

Balsamic Pork Tenderloin

Pork Tenderloin, Veggie loaded macaroni & cheese, Salad

My baby just hit the 12 week mark. I have been planning since the first week he was home to write a fabulous post about bringing home baby, and how glad I was that I had stocked up food, and had a full freezer and pantry, and even had a vague meal plan. Well, between holidays and sickness and general lack of sleep - I never made it to that post. It seems a little late to be writing that post now, so all I will say is that we probably wouldn't have eaten if it hadn't been for all the meals in my freezer. We were able to either dump things in the crockpot, pressure cooker, or place in the oven, and pull it out hot and ready.

The only way I can cook

While my freezer was stuffed to the brim, it wasn't all premade meals. I had also taken the opportunity before baby to stock up on meat. I figured that sale shopping post baby wasn't something I would really be able to manage - one of the meats I was thrilled to get my hands on was a huge package of pork tenderloin. Honestly, I can't remember the cost now - but it was a steal. I froze 3 of them raw, and we had one when I purchased them. We pulled out one of them and made this "slow cooker" Balsamic Brown Sugar Pork Tenderloin from slender kitchen just the other night. It is delicious and healthy! Only 5 WW points if you're counting.

Dry rub & Balsamic Marinade

The tenderloin is rubbed down in brown sugar, cumin, garlic powder and (optional) chile powder. It's cooked in a balsamic vinegar marinade. It's written to be a slowcooker recipe, but I didn't pull out my frozen pork till the afternoon. I threw it in a pot of cool water for about 45 minutes, then put in my pressure cooker for 25 minutes. It was tender, moist, and delicious. Check it out!


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