Friday, April 10, 2015

Cauliflower Mac & Cheese

Look at this creamy goodness

I confessed sometime ago that I don't eat enough veggies. I've found found over time that, if cooked right or a certain way, I do like more veggies than I initially thought. I just don't know what do with veggies! When I was pregnant with my first, I craved cauliflower, unfortunately it was the mini-steamer pack kind covered in cheese....not the healthiest of sides, but certainly not the worst.

Cauliflower can be used as a substitute for some starchy foods including mash potatoes, potato salad, rice and Kayte even uses it for pizza crust! (According to Wikipedia) Cauliflower is low in fat and carbs, but high in fiber, folate, water, and vitamin C. All this had me fairly sold - then I saw this  droolworthy Buzzfeed  post on ways you can use cauliflower to cut carbs. I picked some up on my next costco trip!

I wanted to make something I knew our toddler would gobble up, and after a recent cold spell, I wanted something warm and comforting. I settled on this cauliflower mac & cheese from ShockMunch. Then I made the laziest version of it possible.

The recipe starts by cooking macaroni, and steaming the cauliflower. I don't own a fancy steamer, but I do have some of these awesome Ziploc Zip n Steam bags. Just throw your veggies in there with some water, and pop in the microwave for the appropriate amount of time as listed on the bag! Next the recipe calls for blending the cauliflower with sauteed onion and garlic. I used onion powder, and some Johnnys garlic powder instead and just threw it in the blender. Add milk and blend. Pour the mixture into a pot with cheese and stir until melted. Combine with the macaroni and you are done!

Creamy cauliflower with melting cheese
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